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We have finally made the switch!!

Our new home is here…  508 Restoration & Design …and it is fabulous!!


vintage turquoise italy desk

card catalog- dream book design

card catalog- dream book design

Dream Book Design

card catalog - small notebook card cartalog - small notebook

Small Notebook
card catalog

card catalog - the orange room

The Orange Room

It is my dream to refinish a card catalog.

There is no doubt in my mind I will one day find it.

I have a perfectly wonderful entryway just waiting to house one.


12 trunk

12 trunk

12 trunk

12 white trunk

12 trunk

We kept the vintage wallpaper on the inside but cleaned it up and sealed it with a clear coat…so it is all nice and clean to store your things…

12 white trunk inside

12 white trunk

12 white trunk

Isn’t it just PERFECT?!!

{No. 12 vintage white trunk 215.00 on etsy}




samsonite white suitcase chair

upholstered ottoman bath pale

Amo Box side table

My cousin (knowing my love for all things re-purposed) came across a fantastic designer, Katie Thomspon with Recreate…and I just had to share.

Taking recycled furniture to a whole new level.

I will take one of each. Thank you.

Just a little inspiration for your tuesday…


Working on this now…

sneak peak white trunk

White. Awesomeness.



We sort of owe our lives to Nathan’s brothers and dad…they devoted yet another precious Saturday to help put the roof up on the workshop.

Um, the pitch of the roof was a death trap…

the workshop tin roof

Definitely a SLIGHT chance necks could have been broken on this day….but its not any fun with out risks….

the workshop tin roof

I mean….its awesome, right?

the workshop tin roof

Sometimes I just stand in it while it’s raining and admire how nicely I am staying dry…

Not really, but if it rained, I totally would.



Anthro has these on sale and if anyone would like to buy the set for me, that would be fine.

Such good inspiration for a room…

anthropology tea set


You can tell by this post, I am VERY impatiently waiting for the paint to dry on my next piece.

Looking forward to sharing on Monday!




My UNBELIEVABLY talented and closest friends over at Kellan Studios just completed one of my most favorite photo shoots over the weekend.

Of course this could be because they used No. 11 as a PROP and LET ME TELL YOU…..he looked GREAT.

The lighting, the gorgeous models, the headpieces, the clothes….the furniture :) It all was spectacular.

no 11 turquoise desk photo shoot kellan studios

no 11 turquoise desk photo shoot kellan studios

no 11 turquoise desk photo shoot kellan studios

no 11 turquoise desk photo shoot kellan studios

no 11 turquoise desk photo shoot kellan studios

no 11 turquoise desk photo shoot kellan studios

We can all agree that the photos are AMAZING. To see the entire shoot, go here.

Aren’t we just SO proud of No. 11?



A change is brewing in our bedroom…

grey ruffle, lace curtain, bedroom inspiration


Old mixed with new.

chippy headboards vintage rustic










My brother-in-law stumbled upon THREE rolls on vintage wallpaper in an abandoned home on his property. I tried to contain my excitement….because it is JUST WALLPAPER….but…oh man….this is gonna look gooooood on my next piece….

vintage wallpaper


Made in the U.S.A. baby.




We had a good ol’ fashioned BARN RAISING at our house this weekend.





Nathan, his 2 brothers and his dad all helped raise the walls, put in floor joists and put up rafters…all in ONE DAY. This skill never ceases to amaze me and I am SO thankful.

building a workshop

building a workshop

building a workshop

building a workshop

building a workshop

Woot! Woot!



I rarely go, but every once in a while I will find something at the goodwill that can be given a little love and easily fit in my home.

These lamps @ $5 each +  yellow paint + new lamp shade = perfect bedside lamp set…

goodwill lamp set

Still deciding on lamp shade colors….hence the plastic…but you get the idea…




Pretty stoked we were able to pick these pieces up the other day…


14 dresser before

I know some of you will judge for painting this one…but the picture looks WAY better than it is.


13 china cab before

Yes, it is solid wood…..great detailing….but a HOT MESS….the color is all funky and it needs some serious love.


Working on the trunk now….thank you ALL for your color suggestions! It was VERY helpful and I think I know just what to do….

Have a happy weekend!



I am so excited about today…

My daughter has no idea what is going on, but it is her birthday and MAMA is trying desperately to make her excited about it. {in other words: MAMA  is being a FREAK and she doesn’t know why}.

Perhaps I am TOO excited…she had “birthday yogurt” this morning and “birthday jelly” on her sandwich and she gets a LOT of birthday kisses. Ok, so I am not actually doing anything out of the ordinary, but I AM WORKING WITH WHAT I GOT ON A RAINING DAY.

I guess I just get excited because Ella was a bit of a surprise to us, but MAN has that little girl changed our whole world into something beautiful…
ella is born

ella is born

Don’t get me wrong. In the past 2 years there are times when I literally just STARE at her because I have no response for how RIDICULOUS she is being. That is right. She. Can. Be. Very. Difficult. She hit the “terrible twos” when she turned ONE.

ella is 2

But thank you GOD that You made her the most fun-loving, hilarious, smart and wonderful 2 year old I know too….

I love her with my whole heart and pray that God will bless her as much as she has blessed Nathan and I….

Happy Birthday, Ella. You are my favorite girl.



We are pretty stoked about No 11…..not only did he turn out better than we DREAMED, but he was SO much fun to create!

Take a look…

He started out with some pretty bad scratches and broken hardware…but with a little repair…

No. 12    {before}

…he is the PERFECT shade of turquoise now…

No. 12

BUT that is not all folks….we experimented with paper for the first time and IT WAS AWESOME…
This was an old oversized calendar I bought in Italy in 2003…here is the process of us fitting it to the top…

No. 12 {process}

as you can see, the calendar had amazing images and had been stashed away for years until FINALLY we found its destiny…

No. 12

No. 11…

No. 12

No. 12

No. 12

No. 12

No. 12

No. 12

No. 12

It will be SO hard to let this one go, but he is up on etsy looking for a home as perfect as he is…

No. 12

{ No. 11 turquoise italy desk available 325.00 here }

Happy Wednesday.


Eleven is almost finished- sorry, this one is a lot more detailed and is taking longer.

In the mean time, I thought I would show you THIS awesomeness that I picked up and it is in the pipeline…

12 trunk before

The exterior is in poor shape, so I must paint it…but I need your suggestions on color…

the interior I love with my whole heart….of course I will repair it too, but probably keep the original paper…

12 trunk before interior

Suggestions on color?


I can’t stand it. I have to show you what Eleven looks like so far…

508 desk #11





Six, Ten and Eight have all found a wonderful new homes!

six, eight and ten

So excited and busy busy busy to get new pieces up on etsy!!

Workshop building process is going well, but slow now that Nathan is back at work….still I am excited to see its progress….first wall is up!!



I couldn’t resist. My daughter has been watching Mary Poppins for a month strait now.




Yellow is what I really want to talk about. I am so inspired by this color sometimes….I want to kiss it on the mouth.

Look at this perfectness….

yellow door

photo: anna + kern

yellow dresser country bedroom

photo: country living

country living yellow storage cabinet

photo: country living
yellow cabinet
yellow dining room house to home
photo: house to home
yellow toy chest
photo: decor8

I get WAY to excited about hardware.

So, I was doing your basic googling in search of inspiration for hardware for a new piece we are working on…

and found some that I am not ashamed to drool over…

candy striped knobs

lifeatcloud9ranch hardware

plumo knobs

compass knobs

vintage melon glass knobs lifestyle

anthro knobs

and don’t forget door hardware….oh my word.





508 on Etsy!

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